> > Alcohol-free wine, green light from the Regions but wine producers are divided

Alcohol-free wine, green light from the Regions but wine producers are divided

FROM E 2024 12 24 10.18.22 A realistic image of a glass of dealcoholized wine being poured from a bottle into a glass on a wooden table. The setting is a cozy vineyard with greenery

The Italian government has approved the production of low and no-alcohol wine. A growing sector among young people, but with resistance among traditional producers

Il dealcoholated wine is now one step away from reality in Italy, thanks to the green light from the government and the Regions. This product, which reduces or eliminates the alcohol in traditional wine, represents a challenge and an opportunity for the Italian wine sector, which has seen a significant growth in demand for low alcohol wines, especially among the young and abroad.

What is dealcoholized wine and how is it produced?

Il dealcoholated wine It is obtained through techniques such as vacuum distillation o reverse osmosis, which allow the alcohol to be eliminated while preserving the typical aromas and flavours of the wine. In order to be classified as such, the alcohol content must be lower than 0,5%. His consumption is growing, driven above all by young people and by requests coming from foreign markets.

The approval of the decree that allows the production of dealcoholized wine print bar is a revolution for the Italian wine market. Previously, producers were forced to turn to foreign distilleries for dealcoholization. Now, thanks to the technical changes introduced, even the Italian wineries will be able to carry out this operation internally. Despite the support of many economic categories and wine industrialists, there is still resistance among traditional producers, worried that the“wine” label may lose its cultural and historical significance.

Low and no-alcohol wines, a growing market  

Some historical producers, such as Franco Adami, president of the Consortium for the Protection of Conegliano Valdobbiadene Prosecco, have raised doubts about the definition of “wine” for the dealcoholized product. For Adami, in fact, the term “wine” is linked to a cultural tradition which goes beyond the simple definition of a product. Despite this, many producers see in dealcoholized wine an opportunity to expand the market, especially for exports, as the demand for low-alcohol products is rapidly expanding, especially in Scandinavian countries.

Secondo Luke Serena di Serena Wines, the sector of low and no-alcohol wines is growing rapidly, with the foreign sales which represent a significant slice of the market. The new regulation will allow theItaly to recover lost ground compared to countries such as Spain, French, and Germany, which already allow the production of dealcoholized wines.

Dealcoholized wine could represent a new frontier for the Italian wine sector, with opportunities for both producers and consumers. However, it is necessary to find a balance between innovation and protection of tradition. With the support of institutions and the growing interest of the consumers, alcohol-free wine could become an increasingly important part of the global wine scene.