Rome, 28 Nov. – (Adnkronos) – ''With the Pacta Foundation, we have helped overcome an ideological prejudice against air transport, which wanted to limit its usability exclusively to intercontinental routes and then an air-rail integration. The post-Covid period, in which there was actually a great restart that has been confirmed today. The economic development of many countries relies on the possibility of determining air transport connections. Of course, we must consider that we will arrive at 2050 with current aircraft and therefore the only compatible fuel today is Saf, which today has an excessive cost, but we trust that the technology in 2050 will guarantee us a price compatible with environmental, economic and social sustainability''. This was underlined by the president of ENAC, Pierluigi Di Palma, on the occasion of the conference on the decarbonisation of air transport.
Sustainability & Environment
Air transport, Di Palma: "Prejudice over limitation to routes overcome ...
Air transport, Di Palma: "Prejudice on limitation to international routes overcome"
Rome, 28 Nov. - (Adnkronos) - ''With the Pacta Foundation, we have contributed to overcoming an ideological prejudice against air transport, which wanted to limit its usability exclusively to intercontinental routes and then an air-rail integration. The period...