> > A well-known face from Big Brother breaks the silence: serious accusations against Shaila ...

A well-known face from Big Brother breaks the silence: serious accusations against Shaila Gatta and Lorenzo Spolverato

Shaila Lorenzo attack

A former Big Brother face breaks the silence against Shaila and Lorenzo: his statements

Shaila Cat and Lorenzo Dusted continues to be a topic of discussion both inside and outside the Big Brother house. Sergio D'Ottavi, former contestant of the latest edition of the reality show hosted by Alfonso Signorini, has launched a harsh attack to the two competitors. His words.

Sergio D'Ottavi attacks Lorenzo Spolverato and his girlfriend Shaila

The former protagonist, during his participation in 361 Lounge, has harshly criticized the latest furious row between the two competitors: the model, overwhelmed by tension, locked himself in the bathroom and unloaded the anger repeatedly hitting the wall.

"He also goes berserk against the GF, he takes off the microphone, he has continuous lack of education. Then he had that awful fight with Shaila. That's pure exhibitionism and it is evident. Degradation, ignorance, poverty of spirit, lack of style, rudeness and I could go on. I have a vocabulary full of words to describe them”.

Then, on Shaila Gatta, he added:

“Am I referring to both Lorenzo and Shaila? I am mainly talking about Lorenzo Spolverato, Shaila is under his thumb. Her reactions are more because she is exasperated. That she also sins in style and many other things is obvious. Yesterday she called herself vulgar, vulgar. Marina La Rosa intervened via social media saying that Shaila could sell vegetables in the square because she is vulgar. But the ladies in the square selling vegetables have much more style than her".

The thought of Greta Rossetti

The love story between Greta Rossetti and Sergio D'Ottavi blossomed during the last edition of Big Brother. Despite the frequent push and pull, it seems that the two have finally found peace. Greta, present with Sergio during the guest appearance, also expressed her opinion on Shaila and Lorenzo, declaring:

"I would say that it is clear that they do not get along. I think that in a couple there is always one of the two who defuses. Because there is always that more fiery character, who does not keep quiet and who needs a more thoughtful one next to him. And the two of them, instead, are the same. So the problem is in that, that there is not one who holds back or understands that the other is about to reach the limit. They are too similar and from that point of view they don't help each other.. There is a limit beyond which one must not go. They do not know the limits and above all they are not at home and do not remember it".