Rome, 14 Nov. (Adnkronos) – "The decision of the Constitutional Court to declare some provisions of the law on differentiated autonomy illegitimate confirms many of the doubts and concerns that we have expressed from the beginning. The Calderoli bill is not the natural implementation of Title V, but a law that contradicts it. Differentiated autonomy – as the Court reminds us – cannot in fact be the way to divide the country and accentuate inequalities that compromise the exercise of fundamental rights. Nor can it be the way to marginalize the role and function of parliament, transferring to the Government all competence in determining the essential levels of performance concerning civil and social rights that must be guaranteed throughout the national territory to all citizens". Thus Andrea Giorgis, Pd group leader in the constitutional affairs commission.
Autonomy: Giorgis (Pd), 'Consulta confirms our doubts and concerns'
Rome, 14 Nov. (Adnkronos) - "The decision of the Constitutional Court to declare some provisions of the law on differentiated autonomy illegitimate confirms many of the doubts and concerns that we have expressed from the beginning. The Calderoli bill is not the natural implemen...