> > Beppe Grillo challenges Conte: M5S symbol and leadership end up in court?

Beppe Grillo challenges Conte: M5S symbol and leadership end up in court?


The internal struggle in the 5Stelle heats up: the founder is ready to question the leadership of the former prime minister. Here's what's at stake.

Beppe Grillo prepare a announcement which could change the future of the 5 Star Movement: the clash with Giuseppe Conte gets to the heart of the matter. The issue at stake is the symbol of the M5S, the new statute and the political leadership of the party. Let's find out what might happen and what the implications are for leadership and governance. movement.

M5S, Grillo prepares for the clash

Il founder e ensures of the Movement 5 Stars, announced a significant turning point in the long-running internal dispute. Through a message expected today at 11:03 on his official channels, Cricket could declare his intention to to challenge lo statute and call into question both the leadership di Giuseppe Tale be the property of the symbol of the movement.

Five Star Symbol, the controversy and the role of the Guarantor

Il symbol of the M5S, according to a Final ruling of the Court of Appeal of Genoa of 2021, formally belongs to Cricket. However, its use had been regulated by a private agreement between the founder and the movement. This contract provided for a indemnifies in favor of Grillo, that is, protection from the economic consequences of any lawsuits tied to the symbol, in exchange for his commitment not to challenge its use.

In an unexpected move, Grillo has decided to waive the indemnity, thus opening the possibility of to challenge the use of symbol and Voting which brought Giuseppe Conte to lead the movement in2021 and to the next new statute approved in 2022.

Grillo-Conte, the clash on the statute

The announcement set for 11:03 is not a coincidence: the date symbolically recalls March 1, 2022, the day on which the new statute of the M5S. According to the lawyer Lorenzo Borre, Grillo could challenge this statute, arguing that the changes made are not valid in the absence of a regulation that recognized the figure of the president, a position currently held by Tale.

If a judge were to give Grillo reason, this could lead to the decadence of the same Taleincluding leader of the M5S, reopening a internal fracture in the movement.

On a legal level, the dispute between Grillo and the M5S could have complex developments. According to the constitutionalist Salvatore Curreri, the symbols of the parties cannot be equated to trademarks, since they represent the collective identity of a political community. This orientation has been confirmed by Court of Palermo in 2015