Rome, 24 Jan. (Adnkronos) – United we win. Actually, no. Divided we win. Dario Franceschini from his new office ex-workshop, mixes things up. "The parties that form the possible alternative to the right are different and will remain so. It is useless to pretend that an operation like that of the Olive Tree can be done. The Olive Tree will not return". And so it is better to go "to the vote each on their own, enhancing their own proposals and the proportional aspect of the electoral law" and on the third of the seats assigned with the single-member system "it is sufficient to reach an agreement", Franceschini's proposal. Who also addresses Forza Italia: "They have the lottery ticket in their pocket, but they don't know it", with the proportional system "they would be the arbiter of governments for the next twenty years".
"Volpone...", comments Matteo Renzi. Carlo Calenda shares the analysis on marching divided, Angelo Bonelli rejects it while the 5 Star Movement lets it be known that the interview with the former minister of Conte II was read "with attention". In the PD it has inflamed the chats but the reaction is somewhere between amazement and silence, at the moment. Starting from the secretary. Plastically engaged as far as she is from reflections of political alchemy, she posted on social media the photos of the meeting today in Porto Marghera with the workers of the petrochemical sector, a sector in alarm. "Eni is giving up basic chemistry in Italy with the assent of the Meloni government, which is just watching. Thanks to these workers for the meeting, the PD is at their side", writes Schlein on Instagram.
However, it is reported that this morning there would have been discussions with Franceschini on the interview. And the former minister would have reassured of his good intentions. That "marching divided" should not be read as a disavowal of the "stubbornly unitary" Schlein. The sense of the operation would be to give a stop, a halt to the debate that has been fueling in recent weeks - judged useless and maliciously harmful - on the federator, on the coalition and also on a hypothetical party of Catholics. A moderate force would be useful but, Franceschini underlines, "we democratic Catholics, can only remain in a progressive force as Zaccagnini and Granelli taught us". And therefore an assist to the secretary, he assures.
That said, not a few in the Democratic Party found the proposal to "march divided" to be at least eccentric in the face of a center-right coalition led by a leader who is, at least for the moment, very strong. "You talk to Trump and we show up to vote divided, attacking each other?" And in any case, even more prosaically, there are those who point out that "without alliances, with this electoral law, you automatically lose." It's mathematics and the 2022 vote that teaches. Reflections that remain confidential. "No one wants to respond to a historic leader of the Democratic Party."
Even the passage on Forza Italia seems a bit out of sync. Of course, observes Matteo Renzi, "if Forza Italia accepted to have the proportional system it would govern for years because it would enter a system in which majorities would be created in Parliament". But that the Azzurri will withdraw from the center-right, does not seem to be in sight. Franceschini "tries to seduce with a belly dance evoking the pure proportional", says Alessandro Sorte, but "Forza Italia is" already "the only true center and today it has a fundamental role".
Bonelli is not convinced by the former minister's proposal: "It will not be the Olive Tree, it will not be the 300-page program of the Union, but a minimum common denominator with which to present oneself to the elections and beat the right is needed. This is what we did in the regional elections in Sardinia, Umbria, Emilia. And what we will work on for the next regional elections that await us. Why shouldn't the same scheme be valid for the political elections?". In the Democratic Party, Debora Serracchiani spoke clearly on TV, according to whom Franceschini's hypothesis is "to be evaluated" and "I believe he said something wise: strengthen the Democratic Party, think about concrete things. The secretary is really giving an important line on this. Instead of building alliances at the table, let's try to get together on the issues that keep us united".