> > Calabria in conflict: appeal against the decree on rental services

Calabria in conflict: appeal against the decree on rental services

Demonstration against the decree on rental services in Calabria

Calabria Region challenges inter-ministerial decree on chauffeur-driven rental services

The context of the appeal

The Calabria Regional Council has decided to take legal action against the interministerial decree of October 16, which regulates chauffeur-driven rental services. This step, requested by President Roberto Occhiuto, is motivated by the belief that the decree in question violates regional prerogatives. The Region maintains that the competence in regulating such services should remain at the local level, while the decree attributes excessive powers to the central government.

The reasons for the conflict

According to the official press release from the Giunta's press office, the interministerial decree not only limits Calabria's autonomy, but also alters the balance between regional and ministerial competences. The Calabria Region believes that the regulation of the technical specifications of chauffeur-driven rental services should be managed at a local level, in order to better respond to the needs of the territory and citizens. This conflict of attribution could have significant repercussions on the transport sector and tourism, two fundamental pillars of the Calabrian economy.

Implications for the rental industry

The chauffeur-driven rental sector is crucial for Calabria, especially at a time when tourism is trying to recover from the difficulties caused by the pandemic. Local companies, which operate in this sector, could suffer a negative impact if national regulations were imposed without considering regional specificities. The Regional Council, therefore, not only defends its rights, but also seeks to protect the economic interests of its citizens and local businesses.

Future perspectives

The appeal to the Constitutional Court is an important step for the Calabria Region, which is facing a legal battle that could last months. However, the Regional Council is determined to assert its rights and ensure that decisions regarding the chauffeur-driven rental sector are taken with local needs in mind. The issue raises broader questions about the centralization of powers and the future of regional autonomy in Italy.