> > Food, Pollio (Cittadinanzattiva): "Informing consumers to increase...

Food, Pollio (Cittadinanzattiva): "Informing consumers to increase awareness and trust"

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Rome, 15 Jan. (Adnkronos) - "Unfortunately there is a lot of confusion about these issues. With our project, which we are implementing with the unconditional contribution of the Italian Sustainable Palm Oil Union, we aim to fill this information gap, but also this gap in trust, which ...

Rome, 15 Jan. (Adnkronos) – “Unfortunately there is a lot of confusion regarding these issues. With our project, which we are implementing with the unconditional contribution of the Italian Union of Sustainable Palm Oil, we aim to fill this information gap, but also this gap in trust, which unfortunately exists between consumers and the world of production and distribution regarding the possibilities offered to citizens to be able to feed themselves in a sustainable way”.

Thus Cinzia Pollio, Coordinator of projects and consumer policies of Cittadinanzattiva on the occasion of the presentation of the project "Sustainable Nutrition and the Fight against Waste" launched by Cittadinanzattiva in collaboration with the Research Center EngageMInds HUB of the Catholic University and the unconditional support of the Italian Union of Sustainable Palm Oil.

The confusion also extends to the very concept of sustainable nutrition, as Pollio explains: “we understand it as the possibility for the consumer to act in an aware manner, with a choice behavior that allows him to act in first person by orienting with his own choices also the production and distribution processes, preferring those that can be the most sustainable and most circular supply chains”.

The project is in its second year after the pilot project defined the main elements to address with consumers. “Our aim is to promote more responsible and sustainable consumption elements in a conscious manner, also in line with Goal 12 of the 2030 Agenda. A consultation has started today – physically at our offices but also online through our digital channels – with which we will try to collect the opinions of citizens and consumers regarding the concept of sustainable nutrition, regarding the attitudes and propensities they also have towards sustainable purchases and the fight against waste. And, lastly, on what will be the central role of the consumer to encourage the promotion of a concept and action aimed at more sustainable nutrition”, he concludes.