> > Corinaldo massacre, bis trial: defendants acquitted for the most serious crimes

Corinaldo massacre, bis trial: defendants acquitted for the most serious crimes

Corinaldo massacre acquitted

The defendants in the Lanterna Azzurra nightclub massacre in Corinaldo have all been acquitted of the most serious crimes

In massacre of the Lanterna Azzurra nightclub Corinth, in the province of Ancona, on the night between 7 and 8 December 2018 six people died: five minors and a 39-year-old woman, who had accompanied her daughter to the concert Sphere Ebbasta. Today, June 17, the sentence arrived in the bis trial.

The sentence of the Ancona court

During the performance of rapper, a group of young people sprayed pepper spray inside the venue, causing panic among those present: the victims were crushed by the crowd as they tried to escape towards the emergency exits which were blocked due to the number of people. In this regard, the alleged deficiencies in the safety of the premises and on the procedures for permissions

The second trial concluded today, with acquittal for the most serious crimes: the Court of Assizes of Appeal of Ancona acquitted with the full formula 'the fact does not exist' from the crimes of multiple manslaughter and negligent disaster.

The sentences

Six members of the public entertainment commission were accused in the bis trial, with sentences ranging from four months to one year and two months: the former mayor of Corinaldo Matteo Principi, 1 years; Massimo Manna, head of Suap, 1 year; the fireman Rodolfo Milani, 1 year and 2 months; Francis Gallo of the Asur, 1 year; Massimiliano Bruni, the electronics expert, 1 year, Stefano Martelli, of the local police, 1 year e Francesco Tarsi, engineer hired by Magic, 4 months.

In 2020, the six defendants for spraying pepper spray in the club were sentenced by the Ancona magistrate to sentences ranging from a minimum of 10 years and 5 months to a maximum of 12 years and 4 months: sentences confirmed by the Court of Cassation.

The anger of the families

“It's bad to say it, though certain people remain uncomfortable to condemn, perhaps this also had an impact, because condemning managers who had already been convicted for other things, condemning kids who are criminals anyway, is much easier than condemning those who manage them. They are a little more uncomfortable to condemn."

The bitterness after reading the sentence of the Corinaldo massacre, Paolo Curi, husband of Eleonora.

The father of one of the young victims, Emma Fabiani:

“I don't recognize this state, it's shameful"