Rome, 15 Jan. (Adnkronos) – Increasing consumer awareness on the issues of sustainable nutrition, the importance of sustainable and circular supply chains, correct information, food safety and the fight against waste. Leveraging first individual and then collective change to contribute to the promotion of socially, economically and environmentally sustainable production and consumption models: these are the objectives of the second edition of “Sustainable nutrition and the fight against waste”, the Cittadinanzattiva project launched today in a dedicated event in the context of the “MARCA 2025” fair in Bologna and created in collaboration with the EngageMinds HUB Research Center of the Catholic University and the unconditional support of the Italian Union for Sustainable Palm Oil.
The second edition of the project includes, along the lines of the pilot experience carried out in Puglia, a national civic consultation (which can be participated in starting today through the appropriate link) to define in a public report the point of view of consumers regarding the main critical issues, difficulties and information gaps on the topic. This will be followed by training activities dedicated to the national representatives of the associations. The third step is the launch of an online information campaign focused on promoting the concept of sustainable nutrition, the valorization of sustainable supply chains and on encouraging responsible consumption and the fight against waste.
“The activities connected to the food system from the supply of raw materials, through processing, packaging and logistics, up to large-scale distribution, generate significant and varied impacts on different areas of sustainable development”, says Tiziana Toto, Head of Consumer Policies at Cittadinanzattiva, who adds: “In this context, the consumer can play a central role and can choose consciously, if adequately informed, helping to orient the market towards more sustainable production models”. The project is rooted in the European Green Deal and in the related implementation strategies, in this specific case the “Farm to fork” strategy, as well as in the UN Agenda 2030 (goal 12 – responsible consumption and production).