Rome, 15 Jan. (Adnkronos) – “Over 95% of the palm oil imported into Italy is a sustainable RSPO certified oil. This means that those who work with it are respected and the environment is respected. The palm oil we are talking about is grown sustainably, has a very high yield per hectare, almost 4 tons per hectare compared to the 0,7-0,8 of other oils, so less land is wasted to produce it. Palm oil is also extracted without solvents, another environmentally important aspect. Furthermore, products containing palm oil can have a much longer shelf life than that of other common oils. A product, therefore, that fits perfectly with the fight against waste and the promotion of sustainable nutrition carried out by Cittadinanzattiva”.
Thus Vincenzo Tapella, president of the Italian Union for Sustainable Palm Oil, on the occasion of the presentation of the project "Sustainable Nutrition and the Fight against Waste" launched by Cittadinanzattiva in collaboration with the Research Center EngageMInds HUB of the Catholic University and the unconditional support of the Union.
“We are honored and proud to have been involved by Cittadinanzattiva in this project,” observes Tapella, who adds: “information is a very important aspect because unfortunately palm oil was attacked years ago, and continues to receive some criticism even today. The only alternative to palm oil is sustainable palm oil,” he concludes.