Rome, 14 Oct. (Adnkronos) – "Thanks to the Meloni government, tax revenues are increasing, tax evasion is collapsing, the number of active economic enterprises is increasing and the sterile polemics of the left are evaporating. In particular, in the fight against fraud, the first 8 months of 2024 have recorded a +3 billion compared to 2023, when the record of over 24 billion in recovery was reached. Positive balance, moreover, for activities, with 15.200 enterprises in the third quarter". Thus in a note Tommaso Foti, group leader of Fratelli d'Italia in the Chamber.
"This - continues Foti - is a new poor figure for Elly Schlein who on several occasions has argued that the center-right government winked at tax evaders. What the government is working for, instead, is a tax system that is friendly to citizens and a bureaucracy that is an ally of those who produce wealth and employment. Not a police regime, which oppresses and taxes, but a targeted action that flushes out the real evaders. The fight against fraud, which restores vitality to the tax system by also producing effects on spontaneous tax revenue, is not only an obligation that even Europe asks us to fulfill, but also the effect of an increasingly intense activity of verification and control, carried out in collaboration with the Guardia di Finanza. These are the cornerstones of the fiscal revolution that the Meloni government is implementing. The excellent results, unfortunately for the left, confirm that we are on the right path", concludes the president of the Fdi deputies.