Rome, 25 Jan. (Adnkronos) – "Criminals and drug dealers who run away or tamper with evidence because with the new government reforms they must be warned before arrest; courts with precarious and lacking staff; continuous attacks against magistrates who investigate politicians and powerful people by a government that intervenes to do nothing but damage, for example by creating inconvenience and paralysis in the courts with an app that doesn't work and that skips the start of the electronic criminal trial. The protests that took place today all over Italy against Minister Nordio don't surprise us. We are not at all surprised by the public but composed protest of magistrates who denounce an attack on the independence and autonomy of the judiciary". This is what the president of the 5 Star Movement, Giuseppe Conte, wrote on Facebook.
"A Government that truly wants a fair, rapid and efficient justice system - adds the M5S leader - invests in personnel, structures, IT equipment. But this is not the objective of the Government that is not interested in protecting citizens' rights, security and certainty of punishment. The Government is all focused, Nordio in the lead, on realizing the plan of Licio Gelli and Berlusconi, by operating the separation of the careers of magistrates. And so the PMs, having become super-policemen, will be more easily influenced by political power, and we will have a justice system that will be very careful to guarantee politicians and powerful people who do not even want to be investigated".
"A justice - concludes Conte - that will however be inflexible against ordinary citizens, against those who demonstrate political dissent, who oppose even passive resistance, against journalists with their backs straight. We will shout loudly in the face of this Government: 'The law is equal for everyone'".