Palermo, 25 Jan. (Adnkronos) – "The writer is not prejudiced against the separation of careers because, not without effort, he understands the ideological position of those who yearn for a pure accusatory process that is considered fairer and more protective than other forms of proceedings, but he is very concerned about the lack of express provision for constitutional protection of the independence and autonomy of the Public Prosecutor from the Executive". This was stated by the Attorney General of Cagliari Luigi Patronaggio during the inauguration of the judicial year. "There are few countries in Europe that guarantee real autonomy and independence to the Public Prosecutor who is inevitably drawn under the control, more or less rigid, of the government in office regardless of its political color. The de facto overcoming of the obligation of criminal prosecution, with the introduction of the identification of crimes to be treated as a priority by Parliament, has opened up dangerous spaces for selective and biased justice".
"Already today, substantial and procedural choices have been made that increase the guarantees for white-collar workers and accentuate the repressive attitude towards common crime - he adds - From another aspect, I am very afraid of a new category of Public Prosecutors, self-referential, lacking the balance typical of those who have been nurtured by the culture of jurisdiction, aimed at achieving efficiency goals that are pleasing to those who hold power and manage their careers. And let it not be said that the separation of careers was a plan that was pleasing to the late Giovanni Falcone who, as anyone who knew him personally knows, yearned for a highly specialized PM, capable of authoritatively directing the judicial police and effectively fighting organized crime, but strongly embedded within the judiciary, protected from interference from politics and the powers that be".
"In this regard, I would like to recall the heavy attacks that Giovanni Falcone suffered during his life, coming from various and heterogeneous segments of power, and from which, until his tragic end, he had managed to escape thanks to the toga and the protections that that toga, which he wore with honor and independence of judgment, guaranteed him", he concludes.