Palermo, 25 Jan. (Adnkronos) – "I want to hope for a rethink on the separation of careers, which risks undermining those bridges that, instead, we are all called to build together, bridges that contribute to the recovery of the deserved trust of citizens in the work of the judiciary, because the trust of citizens in the judiciary is one of the most precious reflections of the state of health of a complete democracy". With these words, the Attorney General of Palermo, Lia Sava, concluded her speech at the inauguration of the judicial year.
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Judicial Year: Palermo Prosecutor's Office, 'I Want to Hope for a Reconsideration of Separatio...
Judicial year: Palermo Pg, 'I want to hope for a reconsideration of career separation, undermines bridges'

Palermo, 25 Jan. (Adnkronos) - "I want to hope for a rethink on the separation of careers, which risks undermining those bridges that, instead, we are all called to build together, bridges that contribute to the recovery of the deserved trust of citizens in the work of the magistrate...