Over the last few hours, theidf has returned to strike the Middle Eastern area with extreme violence, and specifically a hospital of Gaza StripAccording to Palestinian sources, the death toll from the Israeli operation is at least 4, with over 70 injured.
Middle East, Israel raids hospital: 4 dead and 70 injured
The army of Israel hit the hospital of the martyrs of Al Aqsa, in the central part of Gaza. Death and destruction inside a tent city that housed hundreds of people. 4 of them died, while 70 others were injured.
Lebanon fires rocket at Israel: the damage
At about the same time, a Lebanese rocket broke through Israeli defenses and hit a building near Binyamine, in the Ramot Menashe area of the northern district of Haifa. Again, 4 people died (all military), and dozens more were injured. Israel had not suffered an attack of such military effectiveness since October 7.