Rome, 25 Jan. (Adnkronos) – "Without any shame, Giorgia Meloni turns the tables and manages to play the victim even on Almasri Habish. In order not to admit political responsibility for the mess, the prime minister claims that it is she who demands clarifications from the International Criminal Court and, even denying the statements of her ministers, says that it was not a decision of the Government but of the Court of Appeal of Rome: as if the State Falcon had been made available by the magistrates and not by the Government. The one who should answer for the release of the Libyan butcher general wanted at an international level should be her to Parliament and to the Italians, not the ICC". This is what the secretary of Più Europa Riccardo Magi says.
"Perhaps Meloni does not want to admit that it was an exchange to maintain the wicked Italy-Libya agreement. For this reason - he adds - we renew our request to establish a parliamentary commission of inquiry to shed light on the implementation of those agreements. We have already submitted a proposal to Parliament that goes in this direction because it is not acceptable that the Italian Government provides important means, resources, training and assistance to those Libyan apparatuses that the Government itself then defines as dangerous and criminal".