> > Mobilization against the security bill: the voice of protest in Italy

Mobilization against the security bill: the voice of protest in Italy

Demonstration against the security bill in Italy

Demonstrations across the country to defend civil rights and democracy

A climate of fear and repression

In recent days, Italy has witnessed an unprecedented mobilization against the security bill, which has raised concerns among activists and citizens. The network “No ddl Sicurezza – A Pieno Regime”, together with Amnesty International Italy, has organized demonstrations in several cities, including Rome, Bologna and Naples. The slogans are loud and clear: “Hands off our country’s democracy”. These phrases are not just slogans, but a cry of alarm for a climate that seems increasingly oppressive for those who dissent.

Demonstrations throughout Italy

The mobilization saw the participation of hundreds of people, united by the will to defend civil rights. In Rome, the torchlight procession took place in a central area, a few steps from the Senate, where the demonstrators brought "100 thousand lights against the darkness of the regime". Similar events were repeated in other cities, such as Naples, where associations expressed their opposition to the bill, highlighting how this measure could lead to an increase in repression and a limitation of fundamental rights.

The concerns of international organizations

The security bill is not only of concern to Italian citizens, but also to international organizations. Six United Nations Rapporteurs have expressed their concern about this measure, underlining how behind the word “security” lies a repressive plan. Riccardo Noury, spokesperson for Amnesty International Italy, warned that the bill could increase the prison population and affect the most vulnerable groups in society. “This measure is contrary to human rights and must be reviewed,” said Noury, drawing attention to the need to protect the right to peaceful protest.