> > Mountain: 2600-year-old falls from Cima Cigola ridge at 57 meters above sea level, dead

Mountain: 2600-year-old falls from Cima Cigola ridge at 57 meters above sea level, dead

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Milan, 14 September (Adnkronos) - A 57-year-old man lost his life after falling from the crest of Cima Cigola, at about 2600 metres above sea level. It happened today, in the area of ​​Piateda, in the province of Sondrio. On site, in addition to the Sondrio helicopter rescue service of Areu-Agenzia regionale emergen...

Milan, 14 September (Adnkronos) – A 57-year-old man lost his life after falling from the crest of Cima Cigola, at about 2600 metres above sea level. It happened today, in the area of ​​Piateda, in the province of Sondrio. On site, in addition to the Sondrio helicopter rescue service of Areu-Agenzia regionale emergenza urgenza, the territorial teams of Cnsas-Corpo nazionale soccorso alpino e speleologico intervened with six technicians from the Sondrio station (VII delegation Valtellina – Valchiavenna). The intervention ended in the late afternoon with the return of the teams.

The Cnsas warns that the drop in temperatures in the last few hours and local snowfall determine significantly different conditions compared to the last few weeks and invites you to pay attention to ice and snow: clothing, equipment and mountaineering or hiking skills must be congenial to the seasonal changes in progress.