> > Mps: Gasparri, 'giants are welcome alongside small institutions'

Mps: Gasparri, 'giants are welcome alongside small institutions'

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Rome, 25 Jan. (Adnkronos) - "In Italy we have a myriad of credit institutions, which we have defended. Antonio Tajani has also always said to protect the Banca Popolare, the Banca di Credito Cooperativo, therefore the bank that does not slam the door on the artisan or the farmer, but that helps him...

Rome, 25 Jan. (Adnkronos) – "In Italy we have a myriad of credit institutions, which we have defended. Antonio Tajani also always said to protect the Banca Popolare, the Banca di Credito Cooperativo, therefore the bank that does not slam the door on the artisan or the farmer, but that helps him. After that, if in Italy next to this myriad of institutions grow giants capable of competing on the market, then welcome, in compliance with market rules. The important thing is that there is respect for the market, for the rules and Forza Italia is making an important contribution in this sense". This was stated by the leader of Forza Italia in the Senate, Maurizio Gasparri, speaking at the event 'An industrial plan for Italy and Europe' in Milan.