> > Mps: Misiani (Pd), 'Giorgetti in the chamber to clarify objectives and consequences...

Mps: Misiani (Pd), 'Giorgetti in the chamber to clarify the objectives and consequences of the operation'

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Rome, 24 Jan (Adnkronos) - "We will follow MPS's purchase offer on Mediobanca with great attention, we want to understand all its objectives and implications. The Italian banking system is in a generally solid condition, thanks to the profound restructuring that followed the ...

Rome, 24 Jan (Adnkronos) – “We will follow MPS's purchase offer for Mediobanca with great attention, we want to understand all its objectives and implications. The Italian banking system is in a generally solid condition, thanks to the profound restructuring that followed the financial crisis and that of sovereign debt". This is what Antonio Misiani, head of Economy and Finance in the national secretariat of the Democratic Party, says.

"MPS represents, in this context, a particularly virtuous experience. The aggregation operations respond to the national interest and must be evaluated positively if they produce positive effects from an industrial, employment and financial perspective, following market criteria - he continues -. Not if they become part of a game of risk dictated by opaque logics of power and with an increasingly invasive role of politics. This is our yardstick".

"The fact that the MEF is the largest shareholder of MPS, the bank that launched the operation, makes it necessary for the government to be as transparent as possible towards the country. We are now halfway through the legislature and we still have not understood whether or not the government has a strategy for the future of the banking system in the interest of families and the real economy", continues Misiani.

(Adnkronos) – "We will call Minister Giorgetti to Parliament to ask him to account for all of this, starting from the objectives and criteria with which the executive wants to relate to this and other operations – such as Unicredit-BPM and Generali-Natixis – which in recent months are radically changing the profile and configuration of Italian finance", concludes the PD representative.