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The sea not far away, the Vesuvio in front of it is a former depressed area that has been reconverted and is coming back to life and prospering right next to the Christmas holidays.
It opened to the public on Saturday 14 December in Annunziata Tower (Naples)) Maximall Pompeii the majestic project of Irgen RE Group, that inside a covered area of 50.000 square meters It is destined to become the imposing shopping center experiential greater than the Southern Italy. In economic-financial terms this means an investment of over 200 million of euros with the aim of regenerating the area and producing wealth for community and territorio. The other numbers? 14 bodies of factory to host 140 store units and 30 restaurants, hotels 4-star hotel with 135 rooms, an auditorium with 7 rooms, a amphitheater square external, a second internal multimedia square and a parking lot with 3.300 parking spaces. All immersed in one of the most beautiful landscapes in the Campania, easily reachable by car and public transport thanks to important infrastructural works.
Maximall Pompeii, what shops are there
In the construction of Maximall Pompeii, Irgen RE Group, leader in the design, development and management of important and innovative real estate projects for the commercial sector, has appointed ideas, society of engineering Italian based in Napoli e Milan and branch in London, Miami e Ahmedabad (India founded in Naples in 2011 by Aldo giordano with a group of 40 professionals from different professional backgrounds.
Thanks to their completed work, approximately 1.500 people are already expected to be in Maximall Pompeii. assumptions, not counting the induced effects deriving from infrastructure, activities and services not directly linked to the giant which, at the same time, also marks the debut in Italy of low labelcost lefties flagship brand of the Spanish group Inditex, now a brand in its own right that offers a proposition of jeans, clothes e accessories with affordable prices. At the Maximall Pompeii center there are many other Italian and international brands such as Mondadori Bookstore, Hamley's, Tommy Hilfiger, Victoria's Secret, Nike, Max&Co, CalvinSmall, Patrizia Pepe, Marella.
The food offering is also varied and includes local specialities such as Mennella, Gino Sorbillo, Home Caldarellie Michele Express and national and international brands such as Starbucks, KFC, Mc Donald's, Poke House, la Padineria and Signorvino.
Maxi experiential center on the slopes of Vesuvius
Maximall Pompeii It has all the characteristics of the most modern and innovative shopping centres: a hybridisation of the asset where the main factors of attraction interact, starting from tourism, passing through the fashion and the timeFree, to proceed with the food&beverage and conclude with the entertainment of 7 cinemas. It goes without saying that Maximall, being in a privileged position from the archaeological excavations of Pompeii, with over 4.5 million tourists every year, thanks to its position it will be able to intercept the flows of the entire surrounding area, which goes from Naples to the Sorrento coast, with a forecast of annual visitors that in Campania (and in the South) has no equal.
The shopping centre is also just 3 km away from the Sanctuary of the Blessed Virgin Mary of the Holy Rosary of Pompeii, international destination for religious tourism which records approximately 2,5 million visitors per year. The project, which over the years has recorded numerous functional, geometric and technological developments, has been a real engineering challenge that has involved numerous iDEAS professionals in various specialist fields: structural, seismic, geotechnical design, BIM (Building Information Modeling), parametric modeling, form-finding, trafficability.
Innovative earthquake-proof structure
The new shopping centre, whose architectural design was entrusted to Design International studiodirect by Arch Davide Padoa, is composed of 14 buildings that use effective structural technologies: concrete armed thrown into place, reinforced concrete prefabricated, prestressed reinforced concrete, carpentry metallica and mixed steel-concrete structures. Considering the high seismic risk of the area and the level of protection required, higher than that of an ordinary construction, the flexibility of the organization of the structures, combined with the possibility of having generous spans, was obtained entirely through the use of discrete elements of protection and seismic restraint consisting of metal braces with prevented instability. BRAD (Buckling Restrained Axial Damper), without resorting to massive earthquake-resistant structures such as shear walls in concretearmato.
These elements, completely integrated into the architecture, absorb the seismic action thanks to their rigidity, and through a perfectly plastic and elastic behaviour. hysteretic cycles extremely regular dissipate seismic energy by damping the structural response and above all “regulating” it towards established deformation mechanisms. In this scenario, iDEAS professionals have carried out complex non-linear dynamic seismic analyses, which have allowed to obtain very high structural performances, optimizing costs and construction times.
Lots of glass and steel: power and transparency
A highly distinctive element of the project is the extensive roofing made of steel and glass, which insists on 3 of the 6 main buildings, covering the long galleries with a transversal span of 12m, the secondary squares with “domes” of 30m in diameter and the large central square of approximately 60m in diameter.
For the design of this structure, which is configured as a gridshell square mesh resting on the main buildings through elastomeric supports, iDEAS has fielded its team of Advanced Geometry which, alongside the structural team, has planned specific generative algorithms using parametric modelling software, proceeding with a complex operation of form finding, which has allowed us to obtain highly optimised metal elements with respect to the stresses to which they are subjected and the glass surfaces perfectly planarized, a great challenge in works of this kind. The entire design was aimed at achieving the highest levels of environmental sustainability certification, such as BREEAM Excellent.