> > Rai: Bevilacqua (M5s), 'risk of information being placed under special administration, reform is urgent...

Rai: Bevilacqua (M5s), 'risk of information being placed under special administration, urgent reform'

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Rome, 25 Jan (Adnkronos) - "With the Supervisory Authority blocked by the blackmail of the majority, which insists on a nomination for the presidency of the Rai Board of Directors in open contempt of the most basic rules of guarantee, a circular arrives which, between the lines, pursues a single objective: to place the progr...

Rome, 25 Jan (Adnkronos) – "With the Supervisory Board blocked by the blackmail of the majority, which insists on a nomination for the presidency of the Rai Board of Directors in open disregard of the most basic rules of guarantee, a circular arrives that, between the lines, pursues a single objective: to place information programs under special administration". This is what M5S senator Dolores Bevilacqua, member of the Rai Supervisory Board, says.

"An action also denounced by Usigrai and which cannot be read in any other way than as an attempt to domesticate broadcasts that respond exclusively to the right/duty to inform citizens - he continues -. These interventions clearly show how the public service risks transforming itself into the service of the government of the day, distorting its mission and dangerously moving away from those principles of independence and freedom of the media required by the European Media Freedom Act). This drift is unacceptable and confirms, once again, the urgency of resuming the path of the reform of the Rai in the Senate committee".