Rome, 13 Jan. (Adnkronos) – “We have an initial period that we have called phase A, which is the monitoring and assessment of all the waste produced in the various sites and shipyards of the Fincantieri group. It will help us understand which types of waste can be recovered for material and which can be recovered for energy”. These are the words of Andrea Ramonda, CEO of Herambiente after the signature that today sanctioned the birth of the Newco 'CircularYard' between the Hera Group and Fincantieri.
“The goal is to no longer send waste to disposal and first of all to try to reduce the waste that the company produces by going into Fincantieri's production processes – he explains – This is also done with a good dose of investments; we will start from Monfalcone and then work on other shipyards, in particular where we are leaders in Italy in the treatment of water, the so-called bilge water. Bilge water is the water to be purified that is generated in the work of shipyards and that today is transported outside. With our project in collaboration with future colleagues at Fincantieri, we will design on-site systems that will therefore also save on transport, CO2 and will allow the water to be regenerated”.