> > The tragic story of Marco Magrin: a drama of poverty in Treviso

The tragic story of Marco Magrin: a drama of poverty in Treviso

Marco Magrin, a man in trouble in Treviso

53-Year-Old Man Found Dead in Garage: A Cry of Alarm for the Community

A silent drama

The story of Marco Magrin, 53, is a sad example of how precarious housing can lead to fatal consequences. Found lifeless in the garage he used as a home, Magrin is one of the many victims of an economic crisis that is affecting more and more Italians. Originally from Santa Giustina in Colle, he worked in a fish filleting company, but his salary was not enough to cover rent. His situation of poverty was unknown to his family and friends, a silence that has had a very high price.

Inadequate accommodation

Forced to live in an unheated garage, Magrin tried to cope with the cold with makeshift means: a heavy jacket and a hat. However, the freezing temperatures of the last few days may have aggravated a pre-existing health condition, leading to a fatal heart attack. His death, which occurred on Monday morning, was discovered only thanks to the alarm launched by some work colleagues who had not seen him for days. This episode highlights the fragility of many people who, like Magrin, find themselves living in conditions of extreme vulnerability.

An appeal to the community

The mayor of Treviso, Mario Conte, commented on the incident by calling it “very sad” and stressed the importance of a supportive community. According to the mayor, it is essential that those in difficulty have the courage to ask for help. Marco Magrin’s story is not an isolated case; in the recent past, other similar episodes have hit the city, highlighting the need for more incisive intervention by institutions and civil society. The lack of adequate support can lead to avoidable tragedies, and the community must be ready to respond to these emergencies.