> > University: D'Attorre (Pd), 'right risks making it precipi...

University: D'Attorre (Pd), 'right risks making it fall into the abyss'

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Rome, 11 Oct (Adnkronos) - "The document of the 39 scientific-disciplinary associations on the effects of the cut to the funding of public universities confirms the absolute gravity of the problem and makes the answers given yesterday by the government in Parliament even more surreal...

Rome, 11 Oct (Adnkronos) – "The document of the 39 scientific-disciplinary associations on the effects of the cut to the Fund for financing public universities confirms the absolute gravity of the problem and makes the answers given yesterday by the government in Parliament even more surreal". This is what Alfredo D'Attorre, head of University in the national secretariat of the Democratic Party, said.

"Continuing to deny reality, confusing the FFO with the one-off and expiring funds of the PNRR (which certainly cannot be used to permanently hire young researchers or to encourage the career progression of at least some of the thousands of scholars in possession of the national scientific qualification) is an incorrect and completely senseless exercise", continues D'Attorre.

"Added to this, in terms of the right to study, is the confirmation of an incorrect approach in the use of PNRR funds for student residences, with calls for tenders in which so far only 1% of the applications have come from public bodies. Despite the large amount of resources distributed to private individuals, who after a certain number of years will be able to use the properties for which they have received public funding for other purposes, the goal of 60.000 additional beds by 2026 seems very far away. While the abyss towards which the right-wing government risks plunging the public university system appears ever closer", he concludes.