> > Valditara: Bible, Latin and History at School, Here Are the New Features of the Reform

Valditara: Bible, Latin and History at School, Here Are the New Features of the Reform


The Minister of Education has presented the new guidelines: Latin returns to middle school, more national and Western history, and space for literature, art and music to rediscover beauty

The Minister of Education Giuseppe Valditara he announced new guidelines for the elementary and middle schools, ready to go fromschool year 2025-2026. Here are the highlights:

Valditara, school reform, Latin and Bible return

  • It will be reintroduced Latin from the second year of middle school, for one hour a week.
  • The choice will be optional, at the discretion of the families.
  • Objective: to strengthen the link with the Italian cultural heritage and with the Latin language.

More history of Italy and the West

  • Farewell to geohistory: history and geography they will be separate subjects again.
  • The story will focus on Greek and Roman civilization, Christianity, the Renaissance, the Risorgimento and contemporary Western history.
  • Geography will focus on rivers, mountains and regional peculiarities of Italy, with an environmental focus.

Literature and Poetry for All Ages

  • More space for reading and writing, even with poems to learn by heart.
  • Introduction of classics such as Homer, Pastures, Saba and contemporary authors, including fantasy such as Percy Jackson.
  • Insights on theclassic epic, la Greek mythology and the Nordic sagas.

Bible as a cultural reference

  • It will be studied to understand its role in history and art.
  • Considered a “text of the Western cultural roots”, will be introduced as early as elementary.

School that learns from the past, it is not educational sovereignty

  • Greater attention to the music: choral singing, instruments and musical civilizations.
  • Strengthening of the artistic workshops and the study of Italian heritage.

Valditara describes the reform as a return to a school that values ​​Italian and European cultural roots, placing historical memory, art and beauty at the centre. "Let's take the best of the past to look to the future", says the minister, denying the charge of “educational “sovereignty”.

The project will be submitted to consultation with trade unions, associations and the school world. guidelines The final ones will arrive in March, to then be applied in September 2025.

The reform aims to build a more structured and oriented school valorization of cultural traditions, with particular attention to the training of thenational identity and to the beauty of art.