> > Weather Forecast for Halloween and All Saints' Day, Temperatures Above Average: The Pre...

Weather for Halloween and All Saints' Day, temperatures above average: the forecast

weather Halloween All Saints

Italy will be affected by a Super African Anticyclone. Here's what will happen to the weather on Halloween and the All Saints' Day long weekend

After a long period of bad weather and floods, Italy is preparing for a new change weather. For at least ten days it will be affected by a Super African Anticyclone, guaranteeing a Halloween and a bridge of All Saints under the sign of the sun.

The African anticyclone over Italy: forecasts for the next few days

The African anticyclone is gaining ground again, bringing with it stable conditions across the Peninsula. With the end of the incessant rains, Italians can finally look forward to a climate improvement.

On Halloween and All Saints' Day the sun will dominate the scene, with the sole exception of a slight fog which could affect the flat areas, especially in the North. The climate will be mostly mild and stable, with unseasonal temperatures.

Halloween Day Predictions

La day It will be characterised by good weather conditions, with mostly clear skies serene or occasionally partly cloudy in the Centre-South, in Liguria, on the Major Islands and in the Alpine and Pre-Alpine areas. Instead, on the Po Valley there will be low clouds or fogs, which will lead to overcast skies.

All Saints' Day Forecast

The anticyclone will resist on the Peninsula also on All Saints' Day. The day is expected to be stable, with a predominantly cloudy sky. a bit cloudy, although some fog may occur in the Po Valley.

Le temperature will remain substantially stable and mild, with peaks even above 25%, with a lowering only in the presence of fog.

Immediately after the All Saints' and All Souls' holidays, new surprises are expected on the meteorological front, with the arrival of the first wave of cold of the season.