> > Government: Zanella (Avs), 'Meloni is a stranger to political ethics, it doesn't weigh on her...

Government: Zanella (Avs), 'Meloni is a stranger to political ethics, she is not burdened by the Santanchè scandal'

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Rome, 25 Jan (Adnkronos) - "She is the usual prime minister who launches attacks, challenges across the board anyone who is not with her, from the International Criminal Court to the entire Italian judiciary, and is completely alien to political ethics, the scandal does not weigh on her at all...

Rome, 25 Jan (Adnkronos) – "She is the usual prime minister who launches arrows, challenges across the board those who are not with her, from the International Criminal Court to the entire Italian judiciary, and is completely alien to political ethics, the Santanchè scandal does not weigh on her at all. Giorgia Meloni wants to place herself above society, but in the end she will only speak with her friends". This is what the group leader in the Chamber of the Green and Left Alliance Luana Zanella says.